Thursday, 30 October 2014

Bhikiyasen : Place of Sangam of River Ramgnga and Gagas

The Gagas river, in Almora district of Uttarakhand, spans 14 major gadheras (streams) on both banks, and its river basin comprises over 500 sq km with a population of over 120,000 spread in 350 villages.
Gagaas tributary of river Ramganga in bhikiyasen region
Gagaas tributary of river Ramganga

Gagaas is tributary of river Ramganga in almora region
Gagaas up from the mountain

Gagaas and Ramganga sangam in bhikiyasen region
River Gagaas

Bhikiyassain is on the Old route of Ramnagar - Badrintah, it is place of Confluence of Ramgnga and Gagas River. It is situated between the sangam of three rivers which are Ramganga, Gagaas and Naorar.

Fishing in Ranganga

Fishing and angling in river Ramganga
Angling in river Ramganga 

Fishing and angling in river Ramganga in Corbet park
Angling at Corbett National Park

Ramganga has always been a popular spot for people interested in Fishing. Now the river stretch near the town Bhikiyasen and used for the fishing adventure.

Eco restoration efforts

River is completely invisible in summer sessions

The plan is to undertake Eco-restoration efforts across the drainage areas, in partnership with resident communities, in a phased manner over the next few years.

The development of Self Help Groups of women in this area has led to the creation of a dynamic basin-level federation or Manch which have effective dialogue with other stakeholders creating a multi-stakeholder platform.  Following a meeting of several hundred residents, the Manch is committed to the renewal of the hydrological cycle through the promotion of community forestry/water conservation initiatives, appropriate technology and livelihood programs. 

You can also visit : Bhikiyasen tehsil in Almora district 

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Aipan - Traditional art of Kumaon

aipan art of uttrakhand and kumaon
aipan art

Aipan is a traditional art (painting form) of Kumaon,Uttrakhand, India. The traditional aipan of Kumaon are drawn in linear art, geometrical design mostly drawn for religious and decorative purpose. Made with geru(ochre) and rice paste. Aipan is an integral part of kumaoni culture and its designs carried on from generation to generation
aipan art of uttrakhand

It is generally made on some celebrations like Diwali, Holi, or in marriage.

To know more about this art just check out this link :

Dipawali Celebration in Uttrakhand

उत्तराखंड में दीपावली उत्सव
उत्तराखंड में दीपावली उत्सव आने से पूर्व कई महीने पहले से इस पर्व कि तेयंरियां  में जुट जाते हैं | सभी लोगो में एक अलग सा उत्साह देखने को मिलता है |
बहुत साल पहले हम लोग अपने गांवों में दीपावली उत्सव अपनी प्राचीन परम्परा के अनुसार बनाते थे | उस समय हम धान के भूसी को मिट्टी तेल के सांथ मिश्रण बना कर घरों के आँगन एवं दीवारो में इसके दीये बनाके जलाया करते थे | अड़ोस पड़ोस और रिश्तेदारों में खिल ,बतासे, खिलौने आदि बांटते थे और आपस में गले मिलते थे |
दीपावली का उत्सव पुरे १२ दिन एवं रात तक अपने अपने नियम अनुसार त्यौहार एवं खाना होता था जिसमे बेडू लघेड़ , बड़, खीर , सूजी, एयं घी , दही आदि को घर पे बनाते और खाते थे |
लेकिन आज का दिवाली उत्सव धान भूसी युक्त नहीं है | लेकिन क्यों ?
क्योंकि आज गांवों में बिजली के लाइट प्रज्वलित हो रहे हैं और बम , फाटकों  का भी जोर शोर से इस्तिमाल  हो रहा है | अब हमें वो पुरानी दिवाली देखने को नहीं मिलती क्योंकि अब गांवों में लोगो के बीच वो भाईचारा नहीं रहा जो कि सही नहीं है |
सभी को में आंखिर में कहना चाहूंगा कि सभी अपनी पुरानी परम्परा और नए तरीकों को सांथ लेके इस पर्व को मनाएं | और आंखिर में मेरी ओर से सभी को दिवाली कि बहूत बहूत शुभकामनाएं|